Finding people to network with

Video Chapters 

  • Identify the right goals for your networking
  • Who I should start networking with
  • Where to find people to network with
  • How to reach out to a new connection

About this lesson

Studies show that up to 85% of jobs are filled through networking and referrals. But what happens if you don’t have a network, or the only people you know are from graduate school? This lesson will show you how to start building a network of professionals in your chosen career field. You’ll learn where to find people to connect with, and how to reach out to new contacts.

Workbook Activities

This lesson covers pages 5-6 in the Networking Deep Dive Workbook. Your can also use the Take Notes widget to complete these activities. 


1. Finding the right people to network with starts with identifying your goals for networking and the questions you need answered in order to advance your job search. Make a list of questions you have about your job search.

2. Then, identify who could help you answer your questions. For example, is there a friend, family member, or acquaintance who could help? Perhaps an alumni of your program might be the best person to talk to?

3. Reach out to your program and/or alumni office to help you make any new connections who could answer your questions and move your job search forward. Draft a connection request that you could send to new contacts that you are put in touch with.

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Beyond Graduate School
Denver, USA

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In these video lessons, students learn how to build a network from scratch. Master’s students understand the importance of networking, but often face challenges finding people to connect with. Each lesson walks students through where to find people, how to reach out to new contacts, and how to navigate networking events such as career fairs.

Sample the curriculum available to students in Beyond Grad School by clicking on any of the blue hyperlinks. You'll navigate to the video lesson.

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