How to prepare for your interview

Video Chapters 

• Here’s what you should plan to do before your interview


• How to dress for your interview


• Why it’s important to ask your own questions during an interview, and some sample questions to ask the employer

About this lesson

Congratulations! Your hard work is paying off and you’ve landed an interview. This lesson will help you prepare for your interview — including what to bring, how to dress, and questions you should prepare for the hiring committee.

Workbook Activities

This lesson covers pages 5-6 in the Interviewing Deep Dive Workbook. You can also use the Take Notes widget to complete these activities.


1. Following the guidelines in this lesson, make a plan for your own upcoming interview. How will you get to the interview? What time do you need to leave? What do you need to bring with you?


2. Spend a few minutes considering your attire for your upcoming interview. Make a plan and budget for acquiring any items you might need.


3. Prepare some questions to ask the employer at your interview. Use the suggestions from the lesson as a starting point, but feel free to come up with additional questions specific to your own unique situation.

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Beyond Graduate School
Denver, USA

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To encourage active learning, Beyond Grad School includes a Take Notes widget with prepopulated questions and exercises. Students type directly into the widget while watching the video, and then print or save their notes.

This feature is unavailable in the demo site.

This deep dive helps students prepare for their interviews — including lessons on how to prepare strong STAR statements, how to show evidence of their accomplishments, and how to answer common interview questions.


Many students are also new to professional etiquette, so this deep dive includes additional lessons on what to bring to an interview, how to dress, and how to prepare their own questions for an interview.

Sample the curriculum available to students in Beyond Grad School by clicking on any of the blue hyperlinks. You'll navigate to the video lesson.

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