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How Master's Students Can Land Jobs and Gain Work Experience

FEBRUARY 25 - 29TH, 2024 | 4 - 4.30 PM ET

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Virtual Boot Camp for Master's Students

How do you prepare for a job search after graduating with your master’s? 


Maybe you’re an international student who has limited time to quickly find and land an internship. Maybe you’ve started your master’s in the hope of advancing in your career, but you’re not sure how to leverage your degree with employers.


Master’s students like you are busy. Finding career support and the resources you need can be challenging given your already busy schedule. That’s why we’ve designed this one-week boot camp experience to help you quickly gain the insight you need to launch a job (or internship) search.


During this online boot camp, you will learn:


1. What Master’s need to know about the hiring process;

2. How to network and 3 things to avoid;

3. How to write resumes that will be read by a hiring manager;

4. Tips on job searching as an international student;

5. and how to go beyond online job sites and tap into the hidden job market.

The Program-At-A-Glance

Sunday, February 25th (pre-recorded webinar will be sent to you):

What master’s students need to know about the hiring process

Monday, February 26th | LIVE at 4pm ET:

Why you must network and 3 things to avoid doing

Tuesday, February 27th | LIVE at 4pm ET:

How to write resumes that will get read by hiring managers

Wednesday, February 28th | LIVE at 4pm ET:

Tips for job searching as an International student

Thursday, February 29th | LIVE at 4pm ET:

How to unlock the hidden job market

What Master's Students Say About Our Trainings

"This was WONDERFUL. Loads of useful information that go beyond the 'traditional' tips and tricks. Thank you, and looking forward to receiving the recording to have and reflect on. "
"I’ve had so much anxiety about this process and this 45 minute webinar has imparted so much wisdom. I feel like I have the wise parent who has my back. I feel more grounded for the first time in months. The way you translated things into the most digestible words was magic. Focus on where have you applies the top skills with success."
"Thank you for offering this advice. As a recent graduate, I have been struggling with questions about the lack of guidance to roles outside of academia... I have participated in two webinars with your organization and I can feel a shift in my confidence level."
I've found Beyond Grad School's platform incredibly helpful in my job search, particularly due to its comprehensive course material... The courses are well-structured, covering everything from resume writing to effective networking strategies, which are crucial in today's job market. Additionally, the platform offers valuable insights into different industries, helping me tailor my job search to specific fields. The flexibility of accessing these resources online and at my own pace has also been a major advantage, allowing me to balance my learning with other commitments. Overall, Beyond Grad School has been instrumental in enhancing my job search skills and boosting my confidence in the job market.

Until we see you!

About the Beyond Graduate School Team

Since 2017, we have provided career support for over 100,000 graduate students. Through online trainings and our one-of-a-kind career training platforms, Beyond the Professoriate and Beyond Graduate School, we help students learn effective job search strategies so that they can successfully build careers that leverage their education. To date, 65+ institutions in the US and Canada subscribe to our career training platforms. 

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